Time: 13:00 – 18:00 (Geneva time)
Place: Zoom, coordinates provided on invitation
The purpose of this workshop is to advance the understanding of the mechanism of superconducting pairing in SrTiO3.
Yaron Kedem (Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden)
Dirk van der Marel (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Nimrod Bachar (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
13h00-13h10 Welcome and instructions (organizers)
13h10-14h25 Phenomenology of the phase diagram
Chair: M. Sigrist
13h25 A. Bhattacharya: Superconductivity in SrTiO3 in the single band limit
13h40 W. Rischau / I.Inoue: Ferroelectricity and superconductivity in Ca- and 18O-substituted SrTiO3
13h55 S. Stemmer: Interactions between ferroelectricity and superconductivity in SrTiO3
14h30-15h30 General considerations of electron-phonon coupling
Chair: E. Demler
14h30 D. van der Marel: Electron-phonon coupling from optics
14h45 S. Klimin: Superconductivity and optical response of a many-polaron gas in SrTiO3
15h00 S. Rowley: Superconductivity mediated by hybrid polar modes in ferroelectric metals
15h15 A. Edelman: Plasmons and optic phonons in SrTiO3
15h45-16h45 Superconductivity mediated by FE fluctuations
Chair: C. Berthod
15h45 Y. Kedem: Pairing by quantum critical ferroelectric modes: both sides of the dome
16h00 J. Ruhman: On the relevance of ferroelectric fluctuations to pairing in SrTiO3
16h15 A. Balatsky: Puzzles of the soft mode and multiband superconductivity in SrTiO3
16h30 R. Fernandes: Anisotropic superconductivity mediated by ferroelectric fluctuations in cubic systems with spin-orbit coupling: possible application to SrTiO3
17h00-17h40 General discussion
Moderator: S. Saxena
17h40-18h00 Concluding overview
N. Spaldin: What I would still like to understand about SrTiO3